Early Childhood Policy Briefs

Early Childhood Policy Briefs

Policy briefs provide succinct information that typically includes compilations of empirical research presented in a narrative format. Designed for multiple audiences, policy briefs often contain the rationale and recommendations for a specific policy stance on an issue of salience related to young children and families. Moreover, if you are interested in publications that will provide persuasive evidence for advocacy purposes or policy making decisions, we invite you to explore these resources.

Recommended Readings from Our Advisory Committee:

Bruce Fuller,
ECPIHE Advisory Committee Member

Fuller, B. (2021, July). The 'stars aligned' in budget deal, but hurdles remain for early education. Edsource: Highlighting strategies for student success.

Helen Holtz Raikes,
ECPIHE Advisory Committee Member

Cathy Grace,
ECPIHE Advisory Committee Member

Gilbert, B. & Grace, C. (2020, September). Growing up rural: Inequity for young children and child care providers. Rural equity series.

Albert Wat,
ECPIHE Advisory Committee Member

Connect with us:


Email: info@ecpolicy.org

Thank you to our funders Heising-Simons Foundation Buffett Early Childhood Fund Logo Bezos Family Foundation