
A Collection of Early Childhood Policy Resources

Four categories of resources are provided below: policy briefs, research reports, academic papers, and diversity, racial equity, and inclusion materials. Curated by ECPIHE and Policy Connect reviewers, the materials are updated regularly.

Covers of two Policy Brief articles.

Early Childhood Policy Briefs

Policy briefs provide succinct information that typically includes compilations of empirical research presented in a narrative format. Designed for multiple audiences, policy briefs often contain the rationale and recommendations for a specific policy stance on an issue of salience related to young children and families. Moreover, if you are interested in publications that will provide persuasive evidence for advocacy purposes or policy making decisions, we invite you to explore these resources.

Early childhood policy research reports covers.

Early Childhood Policy Research Reports

Research reports document and synthesize empirical research and often render policy recommendations on issues of importance to young children and their families. Research reports provide in-depth documentations of research processes, data, and findings, and are often published by an organization, think tank, or consortium. If you are looking for rich empirical evidence on a particular issue related to early childhood policy (ECP), we invite you to explore these resources.

Early childhood policy research reports covers.

Early Childhood Policy Academic Papers

Academic papers are empirical research articles published in peer-reviewed journals. Such articles tend to examine quite specific issues and do so in ways that meet professional research standards. Examining an issue in a great deal of depth, academic articles are excellent sources of primary data. If you are interested in recent research on early childhood policy (ECP), we invite you to explore these resources.

Covers of two DREI articles.

Diversity, Racial Equity, and Inclusion (DREI) in Early Childhood Policy

Diversity, racial equity, and inclusion (DREI) resources are a collection of materials that seek to disrupt traditional early childhood policy assumptions by highlighting diverse voices. Rather than categorize by the type of document being produced, the resources in DREI include an array of policy briefs, research reports, and academic papers germane to the topic of DREI in early childhood policy (ECP). If you are interested in learning about diverse perspectives and innovative approaches to racial equity in ECP, we invite you to explore these resources.

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