Early Childhood Policy Academic Papers
Early Childhood Policy Academic Papers
Academic papers are empirical research articles published in peer-reviewed journals. Such articles tend to examine quite specific issues and do so in ways that meet professional research standards. Examining an issue in a great deal of depth, academic articles are excellent sources of primary data. If you are interested in recent research on early childhood policy (ECP), we invite you to explore these resources.
- Borowsky, J., Brown, J. H., Davis, E. E., Gibbs, C., Herbst, C. N., Sojourner, A., Tekin, A., & Wiswall, M. J. An equilibrium model of the impact of increased public investment in early childhood education. National Bureau of Economic Research: Cambridge, MA.
- Bassok, D., & Engel, M. (2019). Early childhood education at scale: Lessons from research for policy and practice. AERA Open, 5(1).
- Bassok, D., Dee, T. S., & Latham, S. (2019). The effects of accountability incentives in early childhood education. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 38(4), 838-866
- Espinosa, L. M., LaForett, D. R., Burchinal, M., Winsler, A., Tien, H. C., Peisner-Feinberg, E. S., & Castro, D. C. (2017). Child care experiences among dual language learners in the United States: Analyses of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study–Birth Cohort. AERA Open, 3(2), 2332858417699380.
- Loomis, A., Davis, A., Cruden, G., Padilla, C., & Drazen, Y. (2022). Early childhood suspension and expulsion: A content analysis of state legislation. Early childhood education journal, 50(2), 327-344.
Recommended Readings From Our Advisory Committee:
Bruce Fuller,
ECPIHE Advisory Committee Member
Fuller, B., Bein, E., Bridges, M., Kim, Y., & Rabe-Hesketh, S. (2017). Do academic preschools yield stronger benefits? Cognitive emphasis, dosage, and early learning. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 52, 1-11.
Walter Gilliam,
ECPIHE Advisory Committee Member
Gilliam, W.S., Malik, A.A., Shafiq, M., Klotz, M., Reyes, C., Humphries, J.E., Murray, T., Elharake, J.A., Wilkinson, D. and Omer, S.B., 2021. COVID-19 transmission in US child care programs. Pediatrics, 147(1).
Walter Gilliam,
ECPIHE Advisory Committee Member
Gilliam, W. S., Maupin, A. N., Reyes, C. R., Accavitti, M., & Shic, F. (2016). Do early educators’ implicit biases regarding sex and race relate to behavior expectations and recommendations of preschool expulsions and suspensions. Yale University Child Study Center, 9(28), 1-16.
Kristie Kauerz,
ECPIHE Advisory Committee Member
Kauerz, K. (2019). Pre-school through 3rd grade (P-3): Conceptual, organizational, and practical perspectives. In C. Brown, M. B. McMullen, & N. File (Eds.), Handbook of early childhood education (pp. 591-613). Wiley Blackwell Publishing.
Kristie Kauerz,
ECPIHE Advisory Committee Member
Kauerz, K. A. (2018). Alignment and coherence as system-level strategies: Bridging policy and practice. In Kindergarten transition and readiness (pp. 349-368). Springer, Cham.
Louis Manfra,
ECPIHE Advisory Committee Member
Manfra, L. (2019). Impact of Homelessness on School Readiness Skills and Early Academic Achievement: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Early Childhood Education Journal, 47(2), 239-249.
Adele Robinson,
ECPIHE Advisory Committee Member
Yoshikawa, H., Weiland, C., Brooks-Gunn, J., Burchinal, M.R., Espinosa, L.M., Gormley, W.T., Ludwig, J., Magnuson, K.A., Phillips, D. and Zaslow, M.J. (2013). Investing in Our Future: The Evidence Base on Preschool Education. Society for Research in Child Development.
Beth Rous,
ECPIHE Advisory Committee Member
Shonkoff, J. P. (2010). Building a New Biodevelopmental Framework to Guide the Future of Early Childhood Policy. Child Development, 81(1), 357–367.
Beth Rous,
ECPIHE Advisory Committee Member
Torfing, J., & Ansell, C. (2017). Strengthening political leadership and policy innovation through the expansion of collaborative forms of governance. Public Management Review (Print), 19(1), 37-54.
Catherine Scott-Little,
ECPIHE Advisory Committee Member
Porterfield, M. L., & Scott-Little, C. (2019). Policy levers to promote cultural competence in early childhood programs in the USA: recommendations from system specialists. International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 13(1), 1-23.
Catherine Scott-Little,
ECPIHE Advisory Committee Member
Reid, J. L., Kagan, S. L., & Scott-Little, C. (2019). New understandings of cultural diversity and the implications for early childhood policy, pedagogy, and practice . Early Child Development and Care, 189(6), 976-989.